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by Kate Pisciotta


Since I’ve been marketing for my independent insurance agency in Stafford, Connecticut (Have to plug it), I’ve been focusing on primarily impression based marketing, which I believe is essentially EVERYTHING we do as marketers each and every single day.  We have found great success with that; our numbers have risen dramatically, brand recognition is spreading throughout Connecticut and really what I believe we are doing now is maintaining the same level of awareness and impressions as we have been before.

There Has To Be More To Unravel


But if you are like me, you are starting to feel bored.  There have been several occasions where I have told Chris that my ego gets slightly bruised when I’m not aware of the amount of internet traffic flooding the agency on a daily or even weekly basis.  So its time to switch it up and rightfully so.  In light of so many people asking me, “how do you measure success?” or “How can you track that?” I am going to take 2012 and build a wealth of knowledge in a database going after the clients that are using keywords and questions to seek our agency and our product: Insurance.

Amongst all the talk of content marketing, I’m going to take the hype surrounding it and see if the content I produce for the agencies benefit, will truly answer the questions of my customers and in turn, give us a conversion rate worth sharing and an ROI worth mentioning.

I’m not saying that the current social media marketing game plan isn’t essential….its SO essential.  However, If I am going to sit here and offer my opinions and advice, I’ll need to cater to my analytical or “type A” thinkers out there with results which are metric based and can be analyzed for future agencies.


Tools and Data Collection

The tools I’ll be using will include:

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Keyword Research
  3. My Paradiso Insurance Blog

My goal is to compile data for the next two-three months, analyze current keywords and along with my Google Analytics contour the information I’m offering now on my insurance blog to cater to those searching for real answers to the questions regarding my topics.

I’m excited to not only conduct this potentially profitable campaign, I’m also going to use this information towards a future seminar addition to Paradiso Presents in the future!  Our goal for this company has always and will always be to offer help, information, guidance and networking to those looking to utilize internet marketing in their company in light of the changes we have experienced over the past 5-10+ years.

Make sure you sign up for our blog and stay connected with future dates of seminars.