Hot off the Presses!

maketing Chris’s recent article Growing Your Marketing Savvy In The Digital Age was featured in Rough Notes. It features 5 steps you can use to grow your agency using social media.

Use our expertise as your resource!

Paradiso Presents collects a variety of helpful resources for your agency to get started in regards to utilizing social media properly and effectively. We write a daily blog, in addition to highlighting other industry thought-leaders. This is your one-stop location for high-quality vetted insurance social media knowledge. And be sure to watch for our quarterly E-books as well!


Capitalizing on Being a Local, Independent Agent

Capitalizing on Being a Local, Independent Agent

As we all know, the big name captive Insurance companies such as Geico, Progressive, and more are still competing with us Independent Agents. In a world where we can get left in the dust so quickly, we have to make the most of marketing ourselves as local, independent...

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The Power of Response in Social Media

The Power of Response in Social Media

I can’t stress enough how important it is to engage on social media for your insurance agency’s digital marketing strategy. There are many avenues that you can post to via social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest just to name a few. Here’s the thing...

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Your Agency’s Digital Marketing Musts

Your Agency’s Digital Marketing Musts

When I speak to another Independent Agent about my agency’s marketing efforts, the first thing I will tell them is that in 2016 and moving forward, digital marketing should now be considered a traditional form of marketing.  Normally when you hear “traditional...

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Let’s Take Technology One Step at a Time

Let’s Take Technology One Step at a Time

Here at Paradiso Presents, we are passionate about all things marketing, but many times this requires us to use various technologies. When it comes to digital marketing, there are a lot of tools to consider, from email marketing, to social media marketing, to...

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Paradiso Presents is on the Move!

Paradiso Presents is on the Move!

Our team here at Paradiso Presents is dedicated to providing marketing solutions made simple for the Independent Insurance Agent. Recently, our team has had some amazing experiences, both travelling and meeting new agents and shaking hands with some old friends as...

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Visual Content Marketing Fundamentals

Visual Content Marketing Fundamentals

Visual content marketing: it’s nothing new folks. I’m sure many of your insurance agencies are already making use of this powerful form of content within your digital marketing efforts, but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, visual content marketing is king....

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The Power Behind Video Marketing

The Power Behind Video Marketing

Insurance agencies that want their prospects to stick around longer on their website have an easy tool for making that happen – video. It turns out, giving website visitors text to read or photos (great visuals) to look at simply isn’t enough to keep them engaged....

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Chris and his team would love to help your agency personally. Get in touch to book your very own private workshop!

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