Hot off the Presses!

maketing Chris’s recent article Growing Your Marketing Savvy In The Digital Age was featured in Rough Notes. It features 5 steps you can use to grow your agency using social media.

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Visual Content Marketing For Your Insurance Agency

Visual Content Marketing For Your Insurance Agency

We live in an age of marketing where “traditional” marketing methods alone are not enough to leverage your agency’s brand. As I’ve mentioned before, marketing is going digital, and in fact, I believe that in 2015 and 2016 coming up, digital marketing should be considered the next era of traditional marketing. Mastering the digital marketplace should be one of your top priorities when it comes to crafting your perfect marketing strategy, and I’m here to inform you that if your content isn’t visually appealing, you’re missing out.

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Staying Relevant through Digital Marketing

Staying Relevant through Digital Marketing

How do you know which insurance brands will become obsolete come 2025? Take a look at some of today’s most common insurance brands.Some are all too rationally focused, and have mediocre commercials that revolve entirely around insurance. I personally feel some of these brands will expire a lot sooner than 2025. As more consumers begin to realize they can opt out of advertisements online, insurance brands will surely see that their information is not getting through.

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Human-Centered Marketing

Human-Centered Marketing

As more and more insurance agencies start to believe that they should undergo a digital transformation, we will see more money pouring into digital technologies. The aim is to somehow get likeminded with our insurance buyers and keep our agency in front of our clients. More and more insurance agencies are at risk of becoming automated, and the more you automate, the less humanized your customer experience becomes. The key is achieving the right balance.

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The Social Sales Process

The Social Sales Process

An integral part of the insurance sales process is getting to know your prospects and establishing relationships (yes, building trust), and it turns out that social media can help you accomplish this quickly and easily.

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Personal Branding in the Digital Age

Personal Branding in the Digital Age

When most of us think of brands, we think of logos, advertising campaigns, and big corporations. Many of us love brands that we can relate to, and have a personal connection with, such as Tom’s, and also detest others. The reason we choose a brand is not just for the color of a logo or its design, but for the reputation and quality that it stands behind (for example, Tom’s shoes – for every pair purchased they give a pair away to someone in need). Similarly, our individual brand is created by the personal values that we believe in and how we build our reputation by our contributions to our communities, whether it’s online or offline. Your brand is your everything.

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Why Unique (Visual) Content Matters

Why Unique (Visual) Content Matters

I’m sure that by now you have heard that you and your agency need to have unique content, along with great visual content, on your insurance agency’s blog. But did you know that you also need unique content when you’re guest blogging too? Unique content is essential to any blog’s well-being, as well as for getting people to keep coming back to your website for more. Google was originally set up to serve the best and most relevant content to its users by having lots of unique content, so Google will match search traffic to your insurance agency’s website if you stand out. Duplicate content could cause a quick death online, so if you have duplicate content, you’re giving Google a great reason not to see your website as authoritative.

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Social Trust

Social Trust

The insurance agency brands that do content marketing better than their competition are the agencies that realize that, at the end of the day, social media marketing is about building trust. Whether you are creating content for new prospects or customers you currently have, the real purpose behind your efforts should be to build a higher level of trust between the consumer/prospect/client of the content and your agency’s brand.

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7 Steps to Building a Social Presence

7 Steps to Building a Social Presence

Sir Richard Branson has a famous quote, “If you’re an entrepreneur and you don’t have a social media presence, your company is at a competitive disadvantage.” While Sir Richard is speaking the absolute truth, many insurance agents and agency owners feel intimidated by social media. So let’s take it in steps; here are several tips I would highly recommend.

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Is Google+ a Part of Your Agency’s Marketing Strategy?

Is Google+ a Part of Your Agency’s Marketing Strategy?

There’s a good chance Google+ may not be a part of your digital marketing strategy, but it really should be. For those of you who aren’t already on Google+, this platform is your one-stop solution to visual, factual, entertaining, and information driven content, and it even allows you to build circles and communities, or connect with your friends, customers, and clients, and we use it every day here at Paradiso Insurance.

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Chris and his team would love to help your agency personally. Get in touch to book your very own private workshop!

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