Hot off the Presses!

maketing Chris’s recent article Growing Your Marketing Savvy In The Digital Age was featured in Rough Notes. It features 5 steps you can use to grow your agency using social media.

Use our expertise as your resource!

Paradiso Presents collects a variety of helpful resources for your agency to get started in regards to utilizing social media properly and effectively. We write a daily blog, in addition to highlighting other industry thought-leaders. This is your one-stop location for high-quality vetted insurance social media knowledge. And be sure to watch for our quarterly E-books as well!


Visual Marketing Made Easy with PicMonkey

Visual Marketing Made Easy with PicMonkey

If you haven’t already heard, visual marketing is king! Of course text based content is important, but when you have great text paired with great visuals you have a recipe for success. Let us introduce you to the web based program we often use to do our visuals, as well as start you off with some great ideas.

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The Future of Marketing in Social Media

The Future of Marketing in Social Media

Does your insurance agency have a full-time Social Media/Marketing Specialist? If not, you should really consider making a hire. Let’s face it; marketing simply isn’t what it used to be. Marketing strategies have evolved over time, because technology keeps advancing on an almost daily basis

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“It’s Not Junk! – Email Marketing Tips”

“It’s Not Junk! – Email Marketing Tips”

Email marketing campaigns have become widely integrated into marketing plans everywhere. The idea is that you can design an email and blast it out to a wide audience, hopefully earning new business or attraction toward your brand in the process. However, there is a...

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Being the “Gold Standard” to Your Clients

Being the “Gold Standard” to Your Clients

I recently went on a company trip that our agency had qualified for, a European cruise. From the second I walked on that boat, the staff of 450 addressed me as Mr. Paradiso. During our 8 day stay on the boat there were several things that surprised me about their...

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4 Tips for Your LinkedIn Profile

4 Tips for Your LinkedIn Profile

In recent times, LinkedIn has become a one stop solution for connecting professionals, putting your name and brand in front of your marketplace, and even making new connections to qualified job candidates, new employers, or potential clients. With access to all of...

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Handling Online Reviews

Handling Online Reviews

We are living in the world of the Internet, whether you want to or not.  The level of control consumers have over insurance agencies and their brands is incredible. Studies show conclusively that consumers continue to rely heavily on review sites when deciding to buy...

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Millennials. A Pot of GOLD.

Millennials. A Pot of GOLD.

Virtually every brand here in the U.S. is trying to win over Millennials and it’s not surprising why. Eighty over eighty million shoppers with excess of one trillion dollars in buying power are hard to ignore . But equally hard to ignore are recent stats that show...

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YES, You Can Build an Awesome Personal Brand

YES, You Can Build an Awesome Personal Brand

The term “branding” has long been relegated to large companies.  But today, thanks to social media, every individual has a personal brand. Not many of us insurance agents have consciously cultivated our personal brand, but they exist nonetheless. Social media has...

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Chris and his team would love to help your agency personally. Get in touch to book your very own private workshop!

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