Hot off the Presses!

maketing Chris’s recent article Growing Your Marketing Savvy In The Digital Age was featured in Rough Notes. It features 5 steps you can use to grow your agency using social media.

Use our expertise as your resource!

Paradiso Presents collects a variety of helpful resources for your agency to get started in regards to utilizing social media properly and effectively. We write a daily blog, in addition to highlighting other industry thought-leaders. This is your one-stop location for high-quality vetted insurance social media knowledge. And be sure to watch for our quarterly E-books as well!


5 Ways of Insurance Marketing Today

5 Ways of Insurance Marketing Today

“Marketing” has meant many things to insurance agencies over the past 20 years. Perhaps you’ve been told that door hangers and pens are a good investment. Or maybe you thought that t-shirts were the way to go. Maybe you’ve invested your marketing dollars in buying...

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Personalized Marketing Driven by Data

Personalized Marketing Driven by Data

Today’s prospects and customers are in the driver’s seat and boy, are they!  In the insurance world it is definitely a buyer’s market out there and this is because buyers are more informed than ever before.  Today, prior to making an insurance purchase, prospects and...

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Social Media 2016

Social Media 2016

A few weeks ago I was speaking at an insurance industry event and was asked what the 2016 social media arena was going to look like.  In order to know what to anticipate for 2016 we need to take a look at what the make up was for 2014 and 2015.  First let’s start with...

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5 EASY Ways to Engage Your Audience

5 EASY Ways to Engage Your Audience

Creating engaging content on social media is not only easy, but it can be very enjoyable and also contribute to strengthening relationships within your insurance agency. When we say easy, we mean it. This strategy requires only creativity, your team, and a camera!...

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Video Marketing: A Powerful Tool For Your Agency

Video Marketing: A Powerful Tool For Your Agency

Video?  Yes, video!  You’ve got to be kidding me, insurance agencies using video to market their agency?! YES!  An agent out of Dallas, Texas said to me this past January that I must be be nuts.  But, nope I'm not nuts at all! Let's never forget that we agents need to...

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Marketing to Millennials

Marketing to Millennials

In general, it is said that Millennials displays a great deal of confidence. This is a result of a combination of a few different things.  The focus they receive from their parents and high expectations placed upon them, not to mention their new found independence...

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Twitter for the Independent Agent

Twitter for the Independent Agent

At first glance, Twitter looks like a giant party. You are encountering a variety of people all with different thoughts, directions, interests, lifestyles, and it’s all coming at you at full speed! Focusing seems impossible with all of this diverse traffic! So how...

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Creating a Balanced Social Media Content Strategy

Creating a Balanced Social Media Content Strategy

The million dollar question is "How do you create a balanced Social Media Content Strategy?"  The path to a balanced social media content strategy within your agency may not be a straight road. Actually that's being optimistic. It’s  NOT a straight road.  Since the...

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Chris and his team would love to help your agency personally. Get in touch to book your very own private workshop!

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