Use our expertise as your resource!
Paradiso Presents collects a variety of helpful resources for your agency to get started in regards to utilizing social media properly and effectively. We write a daily blog, in addition to highlighting other industry thought-leaders. This is your one-stop location for high-quality vetted insurance social media knowledge. And be sure to watch for our quarterly E-books as well!
The Power is in the Visual
Visual Content is the breakout trend of the year, thanks to the rise of various social media platforms where visual is their prime source of content (Instagram-Pinterest-Vine etc.....). The Power of Visual Content explains how companies and brands can develop a...
Email Marketing Myths That Are Killing Your Agency’s Campaigns!
As an email marketing aficionado, nothing infuriates me more than misleading ‘facts.’ NOTHING! And I don’t mean the ‘email is dead’ kind of articles that emerge every so often (just to set the record straight here, email marketing is very much alive) but rather...
Pinterest: Is This the Right Tool For Your Agency?
Whether you are an early adopter or a skeptic like many agents, when it comes to new marketing channels, social media’s ability to help insurance agencies reach a broader audience and to do it at a relatively low cost has put it at the center of today’s marketing...
Assembling a Winning Team
As an athlete who played at the college level, I can remember a quote used by every coach that is just as relevant in business as it is in sports: "There is no ‘I’ in team." Another quote I heard frequently was "We appreciate you taking one for the team.” The reason...
Figuring Out Content Marketing
As content marketing matures, the difference between the leaders and the followers in digital marketing will come down to those who have taken content marketing measurement seriously. When discussing content marketing, we need to remember that it always needs to be...
Your Agency’s Marketing Road Map
Traditionally, agencies have relied on referrals as a methodology for growth. With the advent of direct writers spending more than $6 billion dollars in advertising the modern agent needs to identify a strategy that focuses on service to deliver referrals, marketing...
Why Does My Agency Need a Designer?
I am sure that if you’re here reading this blog it’s because you are trying to grow your agency and you heard that social media was a thing you should do. Well, let me tell you- this guy Chris Paradiso can teach you how to do it. The first thing he’ll tell you is...
Join Chris Paradiso To Enhance Your Agency’s Social Media Footprint!
We would like to take the opportunity this Wednesday afternoon to tell you all about a very special event for all insurance agents looking to break into the social media arena. This specialized workshop is designed to exhibit how your insurance agency can develop and...
Self- Service for the Modern Consumer
More than 15 years ago, many companies forced consumers to perform certain tasks themselves. For example, about 15 years ago banks started charging customers for not excluding their own transfers, leading to some pretty angry customers. Today the world looks very,...