Use our expertise as your resource!
Paradiso Presents collects a variety of helpful resources for your agency to get started in regards to utilizing social media properly and effectively. We write a daily blog, in addition to highlighting other industry thought-leaders. This is your one-stop location for high-quality vetted insurance social media knowledge. And be sure to watch for our quarterly E-books as well!
What You Can Learn from Special Olympic Athletes
Three weeks ago, I attended my sister Rachel's Special Olympics competition. My father and I arrived at the venue early in order to visit with my sister and many of the other athletes. What I witnessed that day was truly powerful and has had a lasting effect on me. I...
What It Takes To Be A Winner In The Insurance Industry
Being a real winner requires more than just drive and determination. While drive is an incredible characteristic, it needs to be coupled with motivation and focus in order for success to really come to fruition. One thing most business owners need to really...
Common Blogging Mistakes That Could Be Harming Your Business Blogging Efforts
Technology, social media and Search Engine Optimization have changed and transformed more frequently than we care to even divulge into. So when people begin to blog, many times, they start out accomplishing the biggest hurdle of all: BLOGGING itself. There are many...
Organizational Culture And How It Deeply Affects Your Agency
When dissecting the how’s and why’s of your business’s operations, more often than not you arrive back at the same idea- organizational culture. Why does culture have such a significant impact on your business, and moreover, why do we talk about it so much? Why is it...
You’re Expecting More From Your Online Audience Yet Finding Less Results. Why?
Kate on Google+ Your agency is located on a street in the middle of you town. Pretty, cute little area where several other businesses are clustered together, so running multiple errands makes for mindless conversation among residents and cronies. One of the stops is...
Investing 6 Seconds In Your Agencies Marketing Plan
Click Our Vine Video Vine is a social media platform, which is owned by twitter (Vine will help with your agencies SEO). Vine allows you to create and capture six seconds of video at a...
Paradiso Presents Endorses Aartrijk Brand Camp 2013
[embedplusvideo height="281" width="450" standard="" vars="ytid=CSFvehfi_mY&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=" id="ep3321" /] When it comes...
Things Social Media Engineers, Community Managers and Media Pros Say
So, for those of you who are involved in social media marketing as our team here at Paradiso Presents, we are sure you will be able to relate to at least one of the following videos. If you can't laugh at yourself once in a while, whats the fun at all!! We will be...
Characteristics of a Winner in the Insurance Arena
When I talk about "Winner", I mean people who tend to be successful in their insurance agency or that they take on in life. Obviously, they will experience failures too (if you never fail you will never win), but over all, they tend to be a winner. 1. Take Action The...