Hot off the Presses!

maketing Chris’s recent article Growing Your Marketing Savvy In The Digital Age was featured in Rough Notes. It features 5 steps you can use to grow your agency using social media.

Use our expertise as your resource!

Paradiso Presents collects a variety of helpful resources for your agency to get started in regards to utilizing social media properly and effectively. We write a daily blog, in addition to highlighting other industry thought-leaders. This is your one-stop location for high-quality vetted insurance social media knowledge. And be sure to watch for our quarterly E-books as well!


4 Ways to Effectively Use Video in Marketing

4 Ways to Effectively Use Video in Marketing

If you’ve followed our recent marketing tips in the past, you know how important it is to make video part of your strategy. In fact, a study from Google found that “almost 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store.”...

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Communicating your Brand in the Modern World

Communicating your Brand in the Modern World

When it comes to your insurance agency’s digital marketing, it all starts with your brand. Yes, your brand should be the heart of all of your insurance agency’s content, and your brand should be consistent across every platforms. Whether it’s through your website, by...

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Social Media Checkup

Social Media Checkup

Whether you’re a seasoned social media warrior, or just getting started with social media in your insurance agency, we want to make sure that your social media channels are running smoothly. For that reason, we think it’s important to have a yearly checkup on all of...

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The Insurance Agent’s Guide to Blogging

The Insurance Agent’s Guide to Blogging

  Why should you blog? Blogging is very important because it helps your website’s SEO (search engine optimization) and ranking. Blog posts increase the amount of content on your website and create another way to connect with your audience. Plus, when you...

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Webinar – How any Insurance Agent can Leverage Video

Webinar – How any Insurance Agent can Leverage Video

Is your insurance agency making use of video marketing yet? Some owners look at video marketing as a burden, or even an insurmountable task.   While video marketing may be intimidating on the surface, I’m here to tell you that it can be made easy for you and your...

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Conquering Marketing Obstacles to Drive New Business

Conquering Marketing Obstacles to Drive New Business

In a recent study, it was discovered that for insurance agents, our number one issue is developing new business. Additionally, the study also pointed out that meeting client expectations, dealing with competition, and keeping up with technology were also common...

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The Art of the Hashtag

The Art of the Hashtag

By now, many of us are already making use of hashtags within our social media marketing campaigns. Some of us may be new to hashtags, and if you are, you’ve come to the right place. Although, for those of us already using hashtags on a daily basis, this article could...

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Chris and his team would love to help your agency personally. Get in touch to book your very own private workshop!

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