Hot off the Presses!

maketing Chris’s recent article Growing Your Marketing Savvy In The Digital Age was featured in Rough Notes. It features 5 steps you can use to grow your agency using social media.

Use our expertise as your resource!

Paradiso Presents collects a variety of helpful resources for your agency to get started in regards to utilizing social media properly and effectively. We write a daily blog, in addition to highlighting other industry thought-leaders. This is your one-stop location for high-quality vetted insurance social media knowledge. And be sure to watch for our quarterly E-books as well!


Influential Leaders in Digital Marketing

Influential Leaders in Digital Marketing

Everyone has an idol or someone they look up to. Your insurance agency, for example, may follow the teachings of past or present leaders. As a society, we also look up to certain influencers because of certain traits or qualities they may have. An innovative mindset,...

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Why Staying in your Comfort Zone can Hinder your Success

Why Staying in your Comfort Zone can Hinder your Success

A personal comfort zone is something we all find ourselves in at one point in life. Whether it be fear of taking on a new challenge or change, our comfort zones provide us with predictability and control. Additionally, while stability in any aspect of life brings us...

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The Importance of Marketing Personas

The Importance of Marketing Personas

You may have heard of a marketing persona before, but does your insurance agency use them? For those of us who haven’t already heard of a marketing persona, allow me to briefly explain what a persona is, and how they can be a powerful asset to you and your insurance...

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Follow the Leader – Top Social Media Podcasts

Follow the Leader – Top Social Media Podcasts

If you’re anything like me, you are always looking for ways to help your insurance agency prosper and grow. Although, many insurance agencies lack a voice on a multitude of social networks. Plus, with a vast amount of different answers out there it can be hard to...

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How Video Response can Change the Customer Experience

How Video Response can Change the Customer Experience

Want to create a Video response when sending a proposal or quote?  (You should!) Finally, there’s an easy way to send a Video Quote/Proposal with this awesome tool! The Problem Have you ever attempted to guide a client, line-by-line, through a policy quote or renewal...

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Email Marketing in 2017: What you Should Know

Email Marketing in 2017: What you Should Know

Alright, if you’re one of those folks who is still trying to tell us that “email marketing is dead,” then I have some news for you: it’s alive and well. We recently wrote about Social Media vs. Email Marketing where we took a look at big data behind email marketing...

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The Evolution of Visual Content Marketing

The Evolution of Visual Content Marketing

I’ve said it before, and I will probably say it many times over, but visual content marketing is still king. The first time we wrote an article on visual content marketing was back in 2014, and let me tell you, it is still the number one form of engaging content in...

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The Psychology Behind Shared Content

The Psychology Behind Shared Content

So the million dollar question is this: how can you get more people to share more of your insurance agency’s content? Well, first and foremost, I’m going to tell you that social media is the number one tool when it comes to getting shares in the digital space, as we...

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Book a Workshop

Chris and his team would love to help your agency personally. Get in touch to book your very own private workshop!

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