Digital Marketing Resources for the Independent Insurance Agent
What Nelson Mandela Can Teach You About Your Insurance Agency
As we all know Nelson Mandela passed away last week and was laid to rest on Monday. Mandela was more than an amazing leader and human being- he was a true inspiration and beacon of hope for the millions of oppressed South Africans during Apartheid. The courage he...
Google Strikes Again: The Google+/YouTube Merge
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Be The Vision You Want To See In Your Agency
Have you recently read about your business’s vision and the power of creating this vision? Recently there's been a substantial amount of articles and blogs written about having a vision for your business. This isn’t simply hype, it’s a very important aspect of your...
Six Key Factors To Make Yourself A Better Agency Owner
This year, as I traveled to more than 24 different states speaking to insurance professionals at conferences and workshops, I would always make sure to listen to every other speaker and attendee. I go to these conferences because I want to learn from all of these...
Lessons Learned Regarding Best Practices With Facebook For Insurance Marketing
Having a successful marketing strategy within my agency requires learning from my mistakes. When we learn from these mistakes, we grow as a business, and it is absolutely crucial for our business to continue in its learning and growing. I wanted to share with you a...
Our Analysis Of The McKinsey Report
While many believe the McKinsey report has caused quite a stir in the insurance industry as of late, I don’t believe that’s an accurate assessment. The information in the report has pushed insurance agents to a point of fear, chiefly from its statement regarding the...