Digital Marketing Resources for the Independent Insurance Agent
YES, You Can Build an Awesome Personal Brand
The term “branding” has long been relegated to large companies. But today, thanks to social media, every individual has a personal brand. Not many of us insurance agents have consciously cultivated our personal brand, but they exist nonetheless. Social media has...
Personalized Marketing Driven by Data
Today’s prospects and customers are in the driver’s seat and boy, are they! In the insurance world it is definitely a buyer’s market out there and this is because buyers are more informed than ever before. Today, prior to making an insurance purchase, prospects and...
5 EASY Ways to Engage Your Audience
Creating engaging content on social media is not only easy, but it can be very enjoyable and also contribute to strengthening relationships within your insurance agency. When we say easy, we mean it. This strategy requires only creativity, your team, and a camera!...
What is YOUR Personal Brand?
An essential part of networking today is to be "memorable" for the right reasons. OK, what does this mean? It means recognizing and developing your personal brand. Without the creation of your personal brand, it will be very difficult to network effectively. A brand...
The Independent Agent’s Guide To Digital Marketing
You want to launch a digital marketing campaign for your insurance agency because you need to get your brand in front of as many eyes as possible. It can seem overwhelming! Where do you start? First, you need find a full time Marketing Coordinator for your agency....
Using Pinterest the RIGHT Way
Posting content on Pinterest without hashtags and a description is like playing basketball in jeans and flip flops. You can’t move around as well, your sandals are throwing off your usually impressive jump shot, and it’s clear that others around you that came prepared...