Digital Marketing Resources for the Independent Insurance Agent
10 Ways Your Agency Should Watch It’s Tone
Do you want to know what giants like Microsoft, LinkedIn, Geico, Allstate and Google all have in common when it comes to the world of branding? I bet you won't guess because I myself was shocked to see that these giants all focused on their brand's voice. They...
What Makes a Great Marketer?
Do you know what a good marketer is? How about a great marketer? The major difference is measured in RESULTS. Then the only difference between a bad marketer and a great one is RESULTS. So let me ask you this question, is your agency great at marketing? “Success is...
Insurance Content Marketing & Relationship Building
Visual Content Marketing is king, but it still takes great insurance content to be profitable. I bet you already knew that because, at this point, you’ve probably heard it a thousand times. If you've been in or around the marketing industry for any length of time,...
Make a REAL Connection and Take Your Insurance Content Marketing to the Next Level
It’s no great revelation to say that people rarely behave the way that you want them to. People do strange things, and I’m one of them. We humans do many unexpected things and many times, they are unprofessional. Many people have their own unknowable agendas and make...
5 Social Media Success Tips for your Insurance Agency
While social media can be entertaining, educational, and a networking haven for your agency, it takes a great deal of work, flexibility and consistency to be utilize it successfully. Anyone can do it, but not everyone can achieve a positive ROI. If you aren't careful,...
Has blogging got you down? Turn blogging into a business opportunity!
Have you ever had that feeling? Ugg, it’s time to write another blog. I’m sick of writing about spring floods and ice dams. So what do you do? You avoid it like the plague. Maybe you think “But I’m not a great writer” or “How does this exactly help me sell more...