Digital Marketing Resources for the Independent Insurance Agent

Content Marketing: Four Questions You Must Ask Yourself
Is your goal to sell more insurance? If so, you need to get focused on your core audience. If you haven’t already, you have to start by answering these four questions and make sure your agency’s entire marketing team pastes them to their foreheads. 1. Who? Who...
Is Your Agency Making Content Marketing Offerings? If Not, Why?
Here are 6 Tips for creating Irresistible Content Marketing Offerings for Your Agency: Tip 1: focus on your agency’s persona. This is nothing new, but this year it’s key to have an agency persona. Who are you targeting is the key question and you must have the...
4 Principles to Your Content’s Success
Content marketing is vital to every agency's marketing strategy. As an agency owner you need to devote time,energy and money to developing various types of content, including white papers, Google + posts, tweets and blogs, which appeal to and engage with your agency's...
Your 2015 Marketing Strategy
As we work to build the marketing strategy for Paradiso Insurance there are three components we always focus on: Interest Generation Marketing to prospects during the sales process Marketing to the current clients Many agencies only focus on interest generation,...
Facebook Has Changed… Have You?
Things seem to be getting uglier for small businesses in the world of Facebook. The most recent development that took place November 5th’s ban on like-gating. This is the practice of forcing a customer to like your page in order to receive the content on the other...
Tweaking your Agency’s Traditional Marketing Routine
As marketers in the insurance industry, we have a responsibility to make our campaigns as effective and efficient as possible. Over the past several years, we have learned that this is accomplished through inbound channels like social media, search engine...