The Team

Chris Paradiso

Owner of Paradiso Insurance and Branding Genius

Chris started his agency from scratch under 20 years ago and has almost exclusively grown his agency using digital marketing. As a presenter, Chris explains his strategy and is eager to share it with independent agents across the country. His real world examples help your audience understand the importance of marketing and how it can positively impact retention and new business.

Kelly Donahue-Piro

President of Agency Performance Partners

Kelly has worked with Chris for over 5 years to create a clean and executable strategy that works. She knows that digital marketing is the start but educating your team and training them on account rounding, renewal and sales strategies is the winning combination. Allow Chris to show you what he is doing and his results while Kelly shares with you how to get it done.

Popular Topics

Are You LinkedIn To Your Biggest Commercial Lead Source

How to Master it and Strategies to Generate Results.


Your Marketing Roadmap

This course reveals how to market effectively to prospects, active leads and your current customers using modern marketing techniques.



Socially Acceptable Agency Techniques

Curious to learn more about social media for your agency? This topic covers the basics of the main social sites while with a leave behind of exactly what to do to crawl, walk, run to your success.

Pivot Your Way from Monoline Price to Multiline Value

Struggling with insurance order takers rather than sales professionals. This topic is for anyone managing sales people as well as sales professionals. Our sales techniques will help you get from monoline price shoppers to 4 and Score value customers.

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Run Your Agency Like A Boss

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Book Kelly & Chris for your next event!

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