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email-824310_640Email marketing campaigns have become widely integrated into marketing plans everywhere. The idea is that you can design an email and blast it out to a wide audience, hopefully earning new business or attraction toward your brand in the process. However, there is a downside to this style of marketing, and it’s that some people will either send you to junk without even opening, or open your email and not read the contents. Let’s go over a  few tips that you can use to optimize your email marketing campaigns.

The First Step – Getting Your Emails Opened

Let’s go over some ways you can raise the bar on getting more emails opened when they land in your prospect’s inbox.

When someone takes a look at an email, they are going to notice whether or not it’s personalized; if you’re sending it to a mass audience, in many cases it’s easy to tell. Generally speaking, people like to be connected with on a one-on-one basis, so the more personalization you add to your mail, the better.  If you make it seem like you’re speaking to each person you are reaching out to individually, then they will be more likely to join your following.


The other important factor in getting your emails opened up is making your emails stand out from the competition. Your subject lines are important; let the reader know they will benefit from reading your message, with valuable information, tips, or inspiration. Make your subjects clear and direct, because it beats out trying experimental alternatives every time. Use powerful words that can appeal to emotions or senses, and use numbers if you can, because numerical digits can catch the attention of roaming eyes. Other than that, try subscribing to email lists that are widely popular in their markets, and see if you can takeaway any useful information on how they design their subject lines when their emails reach your inbox.

Content is Everything

Alright, now your email is opened, but that was just the first step. Now it’s time to call your audience to take action, and that’s by having engaging and meaningful content in your messages. Be sure to highlight the benefits of ybusiness-247255_640our service in your messages, and try not to sell your customers on the product or service you’re offering if you haven’t established the connection quite yet. Tell your audience about how they will be missing out if they work with a competitor or decide not to use your business so they are more inclined to join your following. Try giving them a clear and convincing call to action, with a deadline, so they are more likely to engage in your service.

Remember, you’re not only trying to sell your brand when you write your emails, but also build a connection with your audience, so they keep coming back. when you’re writing emails, it’s not about you, it’s about your customers or clients. Use a natural voice while you are writing, almost as if it’s conversational in some cases, and make it personable, because you want to build trust. Make sure your emails are scannable, for the reader who would like to know what’s going on, but is on a tight deadline for time.  At the end of the day, give your prospects an easy method to subscribe to your future mailing letters, and let them know exactly what to expect from your service.

More “Do’s” and “Don’ts”

We want to leave you with a few more tips on how you can make your email campaigns more efficient. While you’re drafting up your campaign, try not to mention anything like a list, or speak to a wide audience, but make it sound like you’re having a conversation with a single person. Also, try not to be redundant in a sense of repeating mail photoshoppedsomeone’s name too often. Try to speak to them like you’re a peer, or like you’re on their side. Keep a close eye on your reports, in case anything changes, like someone unsubscribes to your newsletter. Try not to email sporadically either, it’s better to follow a routine schedule, and be sure you’re in compliance with the laws of spamming. Remember, try not to waste your audience’s time, and make your messages something you would enjoy opening and reading if it were to land in your inbox. Lastly, become a trustworthy source of updates and information, and give your readers a reward for giving you their time, such as a gift, inspiration, or valuable information. Now you’re ready to tackle the world of email marketing campaigns, and we wish you much success. We all know everyone’s email box is crowded, so be sure to make your emails stick out from the crowd!