Social Media Resources for the Independent Insurance Agent

Beware of the Shiny Object Syndrome
As a industry we find ourselves in what I think is a unique situation, by and large our industry is filled with an older demographic either physically, or mentally, and what I mean by that is we have been slow to embrace new marketing trends as the are...
Promoting Your Agency
15 to 20 years ago, if you wanted to promote your insurance agency to a large audience (local or national), you probably used print, billboards, or direct mail send outs. Mailing marketing material was simple. As an insurance agent, all you had to do was send out as...
Your Agency’s Numbers- Why You Need to Hold Yourself Responsible
Well, it's halfway through the 2018 year, and million dollar question is where do your insurance agency's numbers stand? If you don't know, that's a big problem, but this article can help you get a bit organized. If you do know, I have to ask, are you meeting your...
Characteristics to Avoid in Your Agency’s Next Hire
As I travel around the country speaking, I ask, "what is your agency's number one issue?", and no matter where I am, I always receive the same answer- hiring. With the lack of people looking to set into the insurance world, the biggest mistake we can make is to hire...
3 Ways to Enhance Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn
LinkedIn, like any type of social network can seem fairly intuitive once you’ve completed your profile and begin interacting with other users. However, even if you have all of your entry fields filled out in great detail, it may not be enough to convey your personal...
4 Ways to Effectively Use Video in Marketing
If you’ve followed our recent marketing tips in the past, you know how important it is to make video part of your strategy. In fact, a study from Google found that “almost 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store.”...