Social Media Resources for the Independent Insurance Agent

Successful and Strategic Marketing For Your Agency
Seeing as though social media has been around for several years and shows no signs of slowing down, your agency can no longer ignore this incredible marketing vehicle. Putting together a strategic marketing plan for your agency that includes social media will be vital...
Working On Your Business, Not In Your Business
As an agency owner, I spend a lot of time working on my business. Owners often ask me what I mean when I say that and in order to answer their question succinctly, I need to mention one key aspect- I had to start working in my business before I could work on my...
What is Vine and How Will It Help My Agency
Most insurance agents don't know about the social avenue called Vine. Vine is a video-based social media avenue owned by Twitter. As we all know, Twitter is a tool that we must be using for multiple reasons, with the chief reason being search engine optimization. Vine...
Don’t Depend On Facebook Alone For Your Organic Reach And Success In 2014
If you are responsible for a business page on Facebook, you might have felt the drastic changes. I can tell you personally, that I have felt the problem and have changed the marketing game plan for 2014. The problem? Facebook's algorithm changed so much, your lucky...
Four Linkedin Turnoffs You Might Be Doing Without Even Knowing It.
The key factor to always remember when your agency markets itself through social media is to make sure you understand who your audience is. When you do this, you can then avoid the following four LinkedIn turnoffs. 1--- Remember, LinkedIn is business-to-business, not...
Six Key Factors To Make Yourself A Better Agency Owner
This year, as I traveled to more than 24 different states speaking to insurance professionals at conferences and workshops, I would always make sure to listen to every other speaker and attendee. I go to these conferences because I want to learn from all of these...