Social Media Resources for the Independent Insurance Agent

So Why Isn’t Your Insurance Agency Creating Video’s Again?
{This video was created entirely with an iPhone 5} Do you ever look at your agency and wonder how you are going to start creating video's for the agency? There is no doubt, that the biggest hurdle is video creation. The misconception is that video needs to be...
Does Your Content Match The Brand And Identity Of Your Agency?
True Story Recently, I worked with an agency that had the foundation and structure that any other business has to begin and continue a successful marketing campaign. The three main components they had were: Brand and Identity: A clear and concise identity and...
Even Social Media Directors Need A Support Group…and YES, Kate Has A Place.
Kate on Google+ Had a really good conversation with an acquaintance who is in the business of directing social media for small businesses varying from different background with the same issue as mine: The owners don't understand our goal for their company and we have...
Honest Price Vs. Lowest Price: Is Lowest Price Really What The Customer Is Looking For?
Read an article several weeks ago regarding the idea of offering customers a "no haggle" price policy. We've seen it all before, and for me, I saw it all too often in the auto industry. Now, while I think that this works ideally well in certain industries, lets take a...
If You’re The Captain, Be The Leader Of Your Ship
When I walk into the office, look at my staff, see their family pictures on their desk, I am constantly reminded of my role as the leader of our ship. Depending on my guidance is how their family will survive. At the end of the day, my grade as a leader is the...
The New Facebook Theme: More User Friendly, But Will It Hurt Business Marketing?
[embedplusvideo height="359" width="590" standard="" vars="ytid=YaQQHYQHnMk&width=590&height=359&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=" id="ep7902" /] by Kate Pisciotta...