Social Media Resources for the Independent Insurance Agent

Because Facebook Search Was Terrible, Facebook Graph Search Will Be A Hit…If You Make It.
We LOVE Facebook. So does the world. And while many people won't admit it, will find another site to try to embrace, you know at the end of the day or even during, you are clicking that awesome F App to see whats happening. For our agency, it has been a lifeline to...
Paradiso Presents: Social Media vs. Website vs. Paper Ads
[embedplusvideo height="359" width="590" standard="" vars="ytid=jSKH6K8o2rY&width=590&height=359&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep2350" /] In this...
Social Media & The Agency: Your Exceptional Customer Service Needs To Trickle Throughout Your Online Marketing Presence
Once you and your agency decide that starting a social media marketing campaign is within the companies best interest for the new year, there is always that natural hesitation when first starting out. Often times, we hear the same general comments: "How...
Improving Your Website And Social Media Presence Doesn’t Require Taking A Stab In The Dark.
Congratulations if you are one of the businesses I work with on a consistent basis who've decided to make the plunge into online marketing and showing your website and online presence some tender loving care for 2013 and beyond. You are doing the right thing! Look...
5 Social Marketing Steps That Insurance Agencies Need To Embrace For Growth In 2013
The last week of the year always seems to bring reflection and aspirations for the future in both personal and work portions of everyone's life. Paradiso Presents has had a great first year as a marketing company giving everything it can to the Independent Insurance...
The One Audience You Are Ignoring That Could Be Your Agencies Biggest Fan
Billboards, television commercials and magazine ads with funny context and mascots are saturating our mainstream media; leaving impressions on nearly everyone who comes across them. The question for the independent agency is "Where do we belong?" and "How do we combat...