
Social Media Resources for the Independent Insurance Agent

Make Your Marketing Effective by Doing These Two Things Daily

Make Your Marketing Effective by Doing These Two Things Daily

Create text based content Creation of new content will help fuel your brand and increase exposure in the world of Google.  So what kind of content should you agency be producing?  Great question. Each agency is different because it comes down to what your agency wants...

Marketing for Real Growth

Marketing for Real Growth

Is your agency growing?  If the answer is yes, then how much and how?  If the answer is no, then why? Let’s tackle the first question; how much did you grow?  Let’s say that your growth was 9% this year.  How do we analyze that number?  The key is to understand how...

Is Your Agency Checklist Marketing?

Is Your Agency Checklist Marketing?

I love it!  Your agency is marketing! You are doing more than most! Now is the time to get really serious about your strategy. Too often I find agencies are doing what I call checklist marketing. Check!  I posted on Facebook today.  Check!  I posted a blog.  Check!  I...