Social Media Resources for the Independent Insurance Agent

The Independent Agency Ten Commandments
Pretty much every agency owner, including myself, believes that we provide great customer service, but the fact is we don't. If we did, we wouldn't be human. With that in mind, my agency is focused not solely on customer service but rather on the entire customer...
Do You Have a Client-Experience System in Place?
In recent years, agencies have been focused on process and procedures that drive efficiency. We have contracted with management systems, rating software, paperless systems and automated email marketing tools. Most of our investments have been focused on efficiency for...
Social Media-The 5 Reasons Your Business Can Not Survive Without It
Social media is no longer just a possible fad. It is now an actually form of communication. If you are an agency owner and have yet to begin using social media to support your sales strategy, you may need to recheck your approach. Social media is one remarkable...
The Importance of Social Media and Your Agency
Over the course of the past three weeks and several conferences, I have heard that many agents are focusing on only one or two social media sites. Furthermore, I have also heard that Facebook is only for communication among family members who live far apart, LinkedIn...
Takeaways from the ACT-AUGIE-AIMS meeting in Arizona
This meeting a way to say thank you to Jeff Yates for not only his outstanding efforts with ACT, but also for his time in helping the independent insurance agency avenue prosper and thrive under his tutelage. As numerous people stood up and thanked Jeff for all of his...
Quality Over Quantity
Your agency is not going to successfully prove to your target audience that you know what you’re talking about by having 3,000 Twitter followers or 2,500 Facebook ‘likes’. The only thing that this proves is that you know how to get 3,000 people to follow you on social...