- Mobile Internet usage is “projected” to overtake desktop Internet usage by 2014. Mark my words, this projection will come true and it will indeed occur in 2014. (Source of this statistic is the Microsoft Tag)
- 91% of all US citizens have their mobile device within reach 24/7. Yes that’s pretty much all of us including you who are reading this now. (The source came from Morgan Stanley)
- 25% of international media and marketing executives see mobile as the most disruptive force in their industry. This disruption is only going to get bigger because of the growing use. (This came from AdMedia Partners—2013)
- 70% of all mobile searches result in action within 1 hour from the start of the search. (The source came from The Mobile Marketer)
- 75% of mobile users are already using their mobile device for shopping and it’s only going to increase. (The source of this is from Nielsen)
- Within 5 years, half of today’s smartphone users will be using mobile wallets as their preferred payments method, and it might come sooner than the 5 years. (The source came from the Carlisle & Gallagher Consulting Group— 2012)
These statistics are amazing and because of these, we as an insurance industry need to adapt social media and digital marketing into every agency strategy. The independent agency cannot wait around for the industry to catch up- we need to act today and be prepared for 2014 with our mobile marketing app. Be prepared and go to https://goinsuranceagent.com/ to get your mobile marketing strategy ready for 2014. It’s time for us as independent agents to start taking back market share and it’s going to start January 1, 2014. Join me in the comeback year!